Financiero | Fintech SoftManagement November 7, 2022
Insurtech | Fintech

Fintech e Insurtech son los sectores de mayor oportunidad de crecimiento y disrupción a esto se debe la incursión de SoftManagement en:

Cuentas de Compensación COUNTEX

Con más de 275 clientes y alianzas con Entidades Financieras del país el Sistema-COUNTEX se posiciona como la herramienta por excelencia para generar reportes cambiarios a las entidades de control colombianas.

Créditos y Microcréditos BillegApp

Gestión de microcréditos de manera rápida, sencilla y desconectado a través de aplicativo móvil y web, garantizando la seguridad y confiabilidad de las transacciones en el proceso total de otorgamiento de Crédito y Cartera

InsurTech SoftInsurance

A partir de las bondades de Inteligencia Artificial, las soluciones de Softinsurance permiten automatizar la cadena de valor de principio a fin propiciando operaciones de tipo non- touch y low-touch 

Perfil Crediticio Pharos

Consulta y validación automática de la información suministrada por las CENTRALES DE RIESGO (CIFIN y DATACRÉDITO) para el análisis de datos y aplicación de un MODELO DE SCORE asignando al cliente un puntaje y perfil.

Our Fintech Solutions
In the last few months, has reporting to the control entities implied an excessive operational burden that takes away valuable time that could be used to add value to your business area?

Our Clearing Account Management System COUNT€X$, simplify your exchange processes and reduce your operational burden, avoiding penalties imposed by control and surveillance entities, through massive uploads of customs, exchange and banking information that will allow you to generate XML files for electronic transmission in an agile, orderly and consolidated manner.

  • XML files that comply with the foreign exchange regulations required by the Bank of the Republic and the DIAN.
  • Upload large volumes of exchange information to the Count€x$ application through .TXT or XLS format files.
  • Control of exchange numbers for each Form
  • Monitoring missing information for advance payment numbers, merchandise in transit, process verified through the report
  • Different types of operation control: Initial, Return, Change of Form and Modification.
  • Provides different reports through which the information is monitored and controlled
  • Parameterized forms to automate filling out and capturing foreign exchange and customs information to guarantee the efficient performance of the system.
  • Regular updating of changes in foreign exchange regulations issued by Banco de la Republica and DIAN.
  • System developed by SoftManagement with more than 13 years in the market and more than 275 current clients.
  • Support and maintenance area that meets high levels of service and satisfaction focused on customer needs.
"Money in an app"

Billegapp es una solución de Microcredit Management 100% digital, with a mobile and web application through which users can enroll, apply for and manage their loans quickly, easily and ensuring the security and reliability of transactions throughout the process chain, from the application to the processes related to the disbursement and collection of installments.

  • Mobile App: The credit application process can be performed from any cell phone, wherever you are and at any time of the day.
  • Credit Scoring Model Alternative: The solution automatically and easily performs the different processes of customized validation and application of business rules and in less than a day the end user will be able to manage the requested payments.
  • WEB Administrator: The administrators will be able to have control and follow-up of the management through real-time traceability of the status of assigned, pending and rejected loans and the profile of each of their clients in order to make timely decisions about their products, portfolios, among others.
  • Virtual Wallet integrated in the app
  • Electronic Signature Integration
  • Integration with credit bureau queries
  • Compliance with personal data protection regulations
  • Through a few simple steps, the user can apply for credit without having to go to a branch office in person at any time.
  • Offline model, users located in remote areas with poor connectivity have the possibility to complete all their enrollment processes and fill out forms without the need to be connected to the Internet.
  • Real-time traceability of the status of your loans and each of your users to make timely decisions about your products, portfolios and others.
Insurance Management System

PHAROS is a complete platform for insurance administration, designed for end users, characterized for being fully configurable, and implemented directly to operate over the web.

  • Configurable: Fully configurable, end-user-oriented, end-to-end Softmanagement platform for
    insurance management.
  • Integration: Its Architecture unifies the concepts of the Insurance Business, developing its own ELEMENT FRAMEWORK.
  • Versatility: Allows modeling contracts, products, companies, clauses, properties, conditions, roles and business rules.
  • Simplifies: Manages all business processes for the branches without the need for several applications for the different lines.
  • Allows configuration of Multi-risk products.
  • Handles all types of insurance: life, general, health, pensions, annuities, guarantees and bonds.
  • Different insurance marketing modalities.
  • Listing, underwriting and delegated issuance capabilities.
  • It includes the subsystems that allow the management of any company in the industry.

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